money doesn't stink

Become a Fortune 500 now!

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Moneysharks Fortune 500 - exklusive Belohnungen

Become part of the limited Moneysharks Fortune 500 now

As part of the first 500 rich & famous people to buy Moneysharks, you will receive exclusive bonuses:

  1. 1 Moneysharks - Money doesn't stink! - the card game
  2. 1 Moneysharks Starting player coin
  3. 1 Moneysharks Certificate of authenticity with the exact number of your copy
  4. Unknown bonuses in the future for which the certificate of authenticity is your golden ticket.

Moneyshark as a beautiful digital voucher

Get Moneysharks for Christmas as a beautiful digital voucher to print out and give as a gift. Because friends help friends become Fortune 500!

Moneysharks - Money doesn't stink! - the card game

Moneysharks Money doesn't stink! - the card game - Front page

The fast-paced, action-packed card game with bidding & playoffs with 144 playing cards measuring 59 x 91 mm with game box in the premium hard cardboard version with 4C cover paper.

Moneysharks - Starting player coin

Starting player coin Moneysharks - Vorderseite

A classy 3D printed starting player coin for you. So you can always see perfectly who the starting player is by the golden shine.

Starting player coin Moneysharks - Rückseite

Limited numbered certificate of authenticity

Limited numbered certificate of authenticity - your golden ticket!

The limited numbered certificate of authenticity with the exact number of the first 500 Moneysharks you were able to get hold of. This certificate is also your golden ticket for future bonuses.

Die erste Serie von Moneysharks benötigt 500 Reiche und Schöne die das Projekt mit 15 € (inklusive Versand innerhalb Deutschlands) unterstützen. At the end of February 2025, Moneysharks will go to print and will be sent to you by post after about 40 working days.
Each of these 500 games will be signed and come with a certificate of authenticity with a serial number and your name! According to our highly independent experts, this certificate of authenticity will be worth at least €1.27 million in the future.
What's more, this unique piece is your ticket to the Moneysharks Fortune 500 list!

The Moneysharks Fortune 500 list of the rich and famous

  • I would like to express my eternal gratitude to those who are praised with eternal glory on this website (with nicknames if desired and without mentioning names),
  • are first informed about all developments and the following expansions “Moneysharks - environmental sins and other earning opportunities” and “Moneysharks - sovereign debt crisis”,
  • are included in the development of Moneysharks and can vote on shares,
  • receive an exclusive offer for the extensions,
  • and are automatically something better!